24 April 2014

Andy Warhol’s Digital Paintings From 1985 Rediscovered On Vintage Floppy Disks

[Click here to view the video in this article]

In collaboration with Carnegie Mellon University’s Computer Club, New York-based artist Cory Arcangel has rediscovered digital paintings made by Andy Warhol on vintage floppy disks stored in the archives of the The Andy Warhol Museum.

These paintings were commissioned by Commodore International, who wanted to demonstrate the graphic arts capabilities of the Amiga 1000 personal computer.

The quest to find these paintings started when Arcangel chanced upon a YouTube video of the Amiga product launch, where Warhol is seen using Amiga prototype hardware and imaging software to create his art.

As the famous pop artist has saved his data in completely unknown formats, it was a struggle to extract information from the disks—however, the team managed to pull out 28 digital images, of which 11 bears Warhol’s signature.

Read more about this exciting rediscovery on Creative Review—and watch how Warhol made these paintings with “state-of-the-art” technology in the video below.

[via Creative Review]